The wonderful thing about this battle is that there is disappointment but nobody dies with dueling high school wanna-bees. The battle I’m thinking of is Christmas songs vs Easter songs. Why are there so many more glorious songs about the baby Jesus than the crucified Christ? There is no possible imagery like Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer relating to death. Instead of amazed shepherds and Magi we have fleeing disciples and grotesque beatings. The cost of my salvation was great but not poetic. No snowflakes, mistletoe, twinkly lights, Santa, caroling, egg nog, or parties. There may have been angels at both events although at the later they would’ve been in mourning until the resurrection. It is just easier to celebrate the miraculous incarnation which is for the purpose of my salvation but without the mention of my sin. Babies are cute. A King born in a manger is an oxymoron. I have an excuse to put eggnog in my coffee. The world tries to lighten the truth of Easter with, of all things, a bunny. I don’t know the details but my children cried the one time we went to the mall to get a photo. How ridiculous to put a grown man in a giant bunny suit. We are made in the image of God but when we create these silly stories I think not. Christmas would not be had God not so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. We celebrate in so many ways but the music is the best. I loved a tradition with my children. Each night in December we would sit around the Christmas tree and a different person would pick a carol to sing. I, most often, would choose, ‘Angels We Have Heard On High’. Another favorite of ours was, ‘Good Kings Wenceslas. Our local Christian radio station plays this gorgeous music non-stop. When in my car I have been paying attention. This year’s fav is ‘Little Drummer Boy’. There are several renditions (all good) and the message of giving a gift to the baby Jesus is remarkable because He is the greatest gift and hope given to each of us. When we have an eternity to sign praises in Heaven, I believe an anchor to all of that glory will be Christmas music minus a few like, ‘I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause’.