This may sound like a political post but it has to do with freedom, including religious freedom. That is a commodity that is scarce in too many places. North Korea is the worst expression of the removal of religious freedom. I think the US is becoming a challenge by conforming to the world more than God’s word. Our roots are referred to as Christian but post-Christian is a label we can attach to many places. It is not only sad but frightening. So I have noticed a few things in the last few days. I am referencing media outlets so check the facts on your own if anything I write is concerning. I wish we could debunk debanking and let attorneys work for any client they choose. It is reported that a conservative lawyer has been disbarred in CA and another in WA DC for working with Trump. Three other attorneys in Georgia face disciplinary action for representing conservatives. The ‘gestapo’ is watching – but since when does our judicial system target and reinforce obvious discrimination? We also have Bank of America on the docket using a vague policy allowing it to cancel accounts of conservative organizations. These are arbitrary decisions. Mostly illegal but that is not stopping anyone! We are allowed to choose our vote. We can still own a business. We can worship where we want. but there are a million examples of incremental changes in the world. Before Biden there was the Obama controversy mobilizing the IRS targeting conservative-Republican groups. Some radical groups were also under review but not nearly at the same rate. No criminal lawsuits were filed in this ‘enemy hunting’ scheme. Do you read these things and dismiss? Do we just share Jesus and give these irregularities a pass or ask hard questions? I don’t know the answer to that. I write editorial pieces on occasion when I feel wound up. Do we give up on people doing what we hope or stir it up? There is now also a thing called a social credit score. I hope I fail that test. Make me a target but I know we are not charged with saving the world…but STAND UP if you can and think it will help our real cause. God saves people not causes.