With every film rendition of what the original Passover scene looked like, I look away. It is usually a dark misty thing and then you hear the crying and then, recently, I saw a film that had ghosts walking around Egypt. If it’s not in the Bible don’t put it in your film! That one act of obedience saved lives. I read yesterday that one of the many rolls of a Pharaoh was to proclaim himself a god. Today’s feminists would tell another version. As an all-powerful God, Pharaoh should have been able to save his own son but he could not. This was the last blow to Pharaoh’s claim of being god. In how many ways do we subvert God’s power and holiness by choosing lies over the truth? Every decision we make, that goes against God’s good will for us, harms us. Only a loving God would do what He did in the Old Testament record to teach us obedience. All of the other ‘plagues’ were clear affronts to the many false gods of the Egyptians. Be careful what leader you follow. We are not picking fights with leaders but don’t follow convention if it flies in the face of the one true God.
Had a parent decided that God is loving, He gets me, the rules do not apply to me, and I don’t need to put blood on the post, that parent committed murder in their own home. Don’t be a Pharaoh.