I would like to the answer the question here, Who Controls the Holy Spirit but first – the Stable. It is called a worship hall for worship and prayer gatherings but was once a barn/stable. There are floors now where there were none and that’s how I feel about intercessary prayer. There is a wonderful emphasis on slow and long thoughtful prayer here and taking the time to listen to God. Some prayers are quick because there is an emergency. In the early church prayer was singing psalms. This week there was a weekly meeting of missionaries from all over the world, and some in Ukraine, to pray for Ukraine based on recent reports. A report on the effort to evacuate the elderly and infirm (handicapped) has been a big effort. I even recognized a woman on the screen in England who I had met via zoom last year. It is a small world when we are praying. The worship hall also has mirrors for exercise and a small stage for a worship team. I’m spending a lot of time there this week.
So the crocs story is about my grandson Elijah and shopping for shoes. I may be repeating but talking about something I thought was adorable on my grandchildren and make my feet so happy. Everywhere is God’s country but when you walk around this peaceful place (maybe in crocs) it is condusive to quiet prayer time. So who controls the Holy Spirit? In the worship hall, on a walk, in your emergency we call on God. The Trinity is a mystery but the Holy Spirit indwells us when we confess that Jesus is our Lord and Savior. The Holy Spirit is ever present. I am trying to listen better these days. No one controls the Holy Spirit. Be amazed.