“After the war God said come follow me”. That is spoken by a nun in France after one of the world wars. She knew she was a sinner but chose to give up hating and killing the enemy because she listened to God’s call. Reading the beginning of Jeremiah’s book, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah is young and gives that as a reason why God may be wrong. Jeremiah also references his inability to speak. I’m not sure what he means but it sounds like a lack of confidence in himself and God. What amazes me most is that a youth is having a real conversation with God about his future. Had Jeremiah been praying and God spoke to him? Did God choose the right moment to reveal His plan? God then offers reassurances: do not be afraid, everywhere I send you – you shall go, and I am with you to deliver you. Then God reaches out His hand to Jeremiah and touches his mouth. God equips him. He was known by God before conception and Jeremiah was designed with a mission in mind. It sounds to me like this youth held still and let God work. What maturity he already had! God put His words in the mouth of a willing youth who put aside his fears and excuses. Amazing. A nun changes to follow God and a youth accepts God’s giant calling over his life. Then I read this, “Actor accessorized his look by leaving the laces of his sneakers undone”. Yes – I read that yesterday. A famous person, handsome man, does something anti-good that we would correct our children for to prevent a fall, and the media takes a photo to post and compliments him on his coolness. Do not go this way. I hope this actor is a believer but his life says otherwise. Follow the faithful and don’t reinvent stupidity to look like the world. Our goal is to not look like the world. Be different. God has called us all away from only sitting in a building on Sunday full of people who look like us. The concept of the user-friendly church and the user-friendly follower of Jesus is looking thinner by the moment. I hope it disappears and that a caring friend will tell me if my shoe’s untied.