I’m thinking about salt and light. I ask the Lord to help me be that every day. I hardly salt my food but the doctor said, with such low blood pressure, I should eat pretzels. Interesting. I do like potato chips but they are empty calories. I don’t want to be empty calories but I do want to add good flavor to my associates. Light is more obvious. Without it we are always in the dark – I know, how obvious, but it is such a good picture of how Jesus entered time and space and was different. He upset the world. He upset the ungodly religious. After Jesus return from the fight to the right hand of His Father, His followers upset the world. How are we to continue to upset people, add zing, and shine light on the lost? This is not a political piece but I’m newly aware of the new president of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele. His leadership has changed the country in several ways. He had the drug gangs arrested, all 70,000. He doubled the military to do that. Then he replaced the drug lords running the prisons with better leaders. Next he met with his cabinet to announce that he wants his legacy to be that he was not a thief. He took it a step further to say that he does not want to be surrounded by thieves so EVERYONE in the cabinet is under investigation. He also said in a cabinet meeting, when at a stalemate on what to do, let’s ask God what we should do and he prayed. These gangs in every country are satanists. They kill the innocent and steal. This president is different with godly standards aiming at making El Salvador safe for people for the first time in years. Prayer is being salt. Caring is being light. I do not have a country but I live in one that is not honoring God in the three branches of government. Living in any country is not salvation but I want to upset this trend. We need to upset people who are lukewarm on crime. We need to honor the family as God designed it. Nonsense to pride in being your own person who denies God’s place in creation and in His design of a man and a woman. Period. Stop paying people for not working. What is wrong with your morals if you are in a cabinet that may be stealing from me, a tax-paying citizen, to buy votes. Hello politicians who are crooked because you can get away with it. I’m irritated because I have seen the way our country was and what ignoring God’s authority has done in 70 years. I cannot fix a country nor does God see me in that role but His word gives direction on salt and light. Clean my house, pray, be salt and light. That’s enough for one day.