When HGTV first appeared I could not have been happier. I even loved the personal “make-over” shows where the experts helped us regular people (limited fashion sense) transform into a prince or princess. One such show was on fixing up a home for resale or flipping. I have a little experience with this because of my real estate background and interest in improving houses and people! On one such show a brother-in-law was the boss but gave a budget to his brother-in-law to start the project. The newbie bought into a contractor’s story and gave the man half in cash without a contract, never to be seen again. That contractor was a crook, the newbie was foolish, and the result was gain with no pain. Someone was rewarded in advance. Sometimes we seek the payment without the work. I remember a similar enticement with a young man I knew who was excited about an art contest that had a cash prize. Instead of starting the art piece, he was planning on how to spend the money. He literally made a list and never got to the project. We like shortcuts. I once had an easy class at UCLA. I did reasonably well but the professor in the liberal arts class had an unusual way of grading. He let us name our grade and then defend it. I received (earned) an A.
Otero Museum
La Junta, CO
Log cabin remodeled by my Uncle Ernie Orahood
Sometimes we want what we don’t deserve. We are hacks. We start and then don’t finish. Sometimes we start and someone else finishes. That would be King David who, so graciously, turned over all of his plans to build God’s temple and work to his son. God directed David to do so and his heart was so cooperative. He was obedient to the end. He was a man after God’s own heart but God said,…”Solomon your son is the one who will build my house”. We make big plans and can’t perform or are redirected. We are sincere and unaccomplished but keep trying. We are beautifully accomplished yet failed human beings. I think perseverance is still the secret. Everyday we plan to do our best on God’s path. When surprises happen we shift the course but stay on course. Patience determines whether or not we complete the plan and accept the reward. No shortcuts people!