In Prague. Today was a ministry fair at the International Church of Prague. There were tables for women’s ministries, music, homeless, youth, missionaries supported by the church, – probably 20, plus coffee, cookies (two of my weaknesses) and the Library ministry – why I’m here. It is called Crossroads Center Library and Cafe. You enter and there is an array of fabulous breads, etc. and the aroma of coffee. Enter books for sale in English and Czech then the main library. On the right is a sofa then the theology reference room with audio/visual as well. A long table to the left with connections for laptops. To the rear are tables for study, coffee, etc.. And that is only the half of it. On the side is a separate entrance to the children’s section, conference room, play room, and then the beautiful muralled children’s space. The address is Balbinova 10 – Praha 2 – Vinohrady. So, back to the ministry fair, I did pass out some library info while meeting more people. Visiting the women’s ministry table I also choose a “promise”. The ladies had written scripture on paper then folded them. I’m a fan of yellow so that is where my eye and hand went. Joshua 1:9 will sound familiar, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God IS with you wherever you go”. That is a promise. Nothing hard has happened but new things and people can be uncomfortable. God is with me. There are no ziplock bags. God is with me. I don’t speak the language nor will I ever be proficient in a short amount of time. God is with me. I have a wickedly dry sense of humor. God is with them! I’m an idea person but am here to serve. God is with me. I needed some black pants that would be long enough so I went to the Eddie Bauer men’s department in Woodinville before leaving. They are long enough but the dart for the knee, to make them more comfortable, is way above my knees because I should not shop in the men’s department. God is with me. I might be catching a cold and have a tummy ache. God is with me. I found beautiful postcards to send to my friends. God is with me. I found my way home on the tram (not bus or cable-car, as I had incorrectly affirmed recently) on my own after some touring with my roommate. God is with me. I’m used to living on my own, showering too often, doing laundry often, and realize that none of that matters. God is with me. I have no complaints except for my own unfamiliarity that things are just different and there is no right or wrong but just what I’m used to. God is with me. From this busy week, several people came into the library that stand out to me. A man is teaching secondary school and has a unit to teach on theology. He had, somehow, resourced the library and was shocked that there were so many fine theological reference books. He sat at the round table in the middle and took some things off the shelf. He did also wander to the front and get a coffee and visited with the barista. He was so happy to know this place exists. Another was a mature lady who came for coffee and peaked into the library. She hesitated to enter. It is unusually light, bright, and cheery. Jim, at the front desk, invited her to look around. The library has printed a series of teachings on how we know Jesus is who He said He is and translated to Czech. The books are free. After a bit she came to the front and asked if the book in her hand was really free and Jim, understanding her question in Czech, confirmed. She left with a smile and was back in five minutes to ask if she could have another for a friend. This is the good news. These are small stories but the good news of Jesus left the building that day. How cool is that! God is with us. This weekend was the first chance I have had to tour the city a bit. Photos to follow. Sorry – not sure on sizing!