Depressed people are more likely to develop heart disease. The scriptures mention the heart. Mark 12:30: “And you shall love the Lord your God from your whole heart.” Matt 12:34-35: “A good man out of the treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart…
Author: Pam
Please Write
Bad ideas must be refuted! When you have good ideas write them down. Refute the false narratives you encounter. Put pen to paper. That is all I am doing here. You may do it better! Is wokeness in the dictionary? I have no idea but on-line it is described as the quality of being alert…
Did you know that the word ‘stress’ is recognizable in many languages? Why is that? That is because it comes from the Latin words ‘strictus’ (which means tight or narrow) and ‘stringere’ which means to tighten. The romantic languages source Latin. As I have failed to be proficient in the Italian language, I understand it…
Plot Twists
I love a surprise ending. The plot twists come from the imaginations of writers. I once was in a class at Fuller Theological Seminary – Westwood Christian Foundation (across from UCLA, where I had graduated 1-2 years earlier) satellite campus, with a writer on the show ‘Mork and Mindy’. We loved Jesus and wanted to…
What Is A Weekend?
That is one of the funny lines from Downton Abbey. I usually discover good tv years after everyone else is done with it. It is always about the script so I cannot figure out the appeal of James Bond films. Oh well. We are full on inconsistencies. The weekend has always been about fellowship and…
Life Is A Rollercoaster
Those words were in a prayer I read yesterday in the devotional, ‘Our Daily Bread’. Amazing, the difference a day can make. One person gets a diagnosis, another is expecting a baby, the weather always changes, and our lives are up and down, again. At the end of King Solomon’s life he writes the Ecclesiastes…
“Doubt is dangerous to faith”, is a remark by Jon Bloom in an article I read today. I see that at different stages, while on our faith-walk, both doubt and faith can co-exist. My favorite example is Peter in Matthew 14:30. He boldly asks Jesus if He can join Him as Jesus walks on water…
Head Hung Low
For Christmas, my family gave me an art print that absolutely stunned me. It is Jesus hung on a dark cross with His head hung low, signifying His death. All artwork/depictions of Jesus are from the artist’s imagination. Someday we will see Him face to face. Today I saw another depiction of the true story…
No One is Self-Made
I saw a reality show commercial. These women are selling the show and boasting. Sales is boasting as I well know. It would have been an oversight to attend a marketing meeting and not mention how many successful home-sales I conducted. However, I was not “self-made”. Credit where credit is due. I was created by…
Moral Injury
How do we avoid moral injury? I read this term last week and it makes sense to me. There are times that the world seems so wrong (all of the time) and I’m not sure how to make a difference. God is all-powerful and I have a little power. I feel defeat when I end…