To summarize history, we can choose to live one of two ways. There is a door number one – believe in God. Door number two is deny God. Again, I stress, there is no door 9.5 or 12.5, as in the Harry Potter movies. We do not design the options but only place our bet….
Author: Pam
Oh No Joe
As I read the account of Joseph’s childhood in Genesis I wanted to warn him. If your dream is going to cause angst from your brothers, why tell them? I’m all about keeping the peace. Why stir up resentment? The guy was the youngest. We read that he was attractive enough that a woman faked…
No Super Powers
I am very grateful that I have no super powers. I have many gifts but no super powers. Today’s example was a drive on a “back” road linking my home to my favorite bakery. So much for a fresh start with my sweets habit. It is all residential and a mad/crazy driver was traveling twice…
Dog in a Basket – Baby in a Womb
I just caught up on some news and social media. Social media does not take much time out of my day but what started as a way to check in on my kids has grown to keeping up with past and new friends. I’ve learned a lot and expect most of it is true! Today…
The Hardest Story
I’ve started a quick read of the Bible – which I have never done before. It is January 2nd and Sarah is already dead. I’ve also finished the account which is most challenging for me. I’m not sure when I first wanted to run out of the room. I can’t remember the first telling of…
Undressing the Holidays
I don’t know the state of your home today, on January 1, 2024, but there may still be remnants of Christmas. There is the tradition of the 12 Days of Christmas but I have not usually celebrated in that way. Then there was the year I left the tree up all 12 months and had…
The Best Gift
You already know what I’m going to write about. It’s after Christmas and the boxes are gone and we are left with grateful hearts that we have people. We make memories that will outlast the thing in the box. The Advent Devotional my church created for Day 23 suggested these readings: Isaiah 6:1-7, Philippians 2:5-7,…
Write It For Yourself
“A man has to learn that he cannot command things, but that he can command himself; that he cannot coerce the wills of others, but that he can mold and master his own will: and things serve him who serves Truth; people seek guidance of him who is master of himself.” – James Allen Let…
Church Royalty
The only one wearing a King’s crown is King Jesus but the church is in the world and we act like the world by elevating some and diminishing others. The reason Dr Suess made the Grinch green is because the Grinch steals Christmas. He is missing all of the joy. He is missing it so…
A Long List
I’m looking at a list of notes of things I’m curious about. That always takes me to writing so here I will mention some thoughts in brief. Does she love Walter? In the film, ‘Sleepless in Seattle’, the female lead is smitten with a story and voice she hears on the radio while on the…