I’m getting to know people from eleven different countries who are here to study missions. The questions we answered to outline our introduction are the following: A little about where you grew up and what your family was like. How you became a Christian? One big highlight of your life? (of course, mine was Nate…
Author: Pam
So I have been typing Wiler, Switzerland but ‘W’ is pronounces ‘V’. I hope the spelling above helps my American friends! First day of October and angels showed up on the train yesterday to help me find my way. It is currently 3 PM Swiss time and my body is telling me to go take…
Psalm 90
So how would you spend your last day before leaving on such a momentous six-month quest? I am spending it thanking the Lord that I did not show my dismay to the mechanic who was to attach a battery-tender to my car today. We set it up a month ago. I asked more than once…
The Church
In three days I leave for Wiler, Switzerland for YWAM 50 Plus. The suitcase is pretty full but I am still eyeing some books I’ve been wanting to read. One that is thick will probably be left behind. Hans Kung wrote “The Church”. I have yellow markings up to page 114 and have turned down…
The Hebrews are Coming
I love the book of Hebrews. It is because I had an excellent professor who taught the class, Willard Black, at San Jose Bible College. That very good school has since moved to the Sacramento area in California and is called William Jessup University. It was the spring quarter in 1971. I would leave at…
The Red Raincoat
I have lived in the Pacific Northwest since 1993. I remember needing a raincoat in 1993 and purchased a long red vinyl coat with a flannel hood. I wore it a lot and it did not survive very well. The next raincoat was also red (power color) but also easy to recognize if you are…
Two Black Crows
Ps 138:3 “On the day I needed You, I called, and you responded and infused my soul with strength.” (the Voice) I try to keep my eyes on the road but was on the backroad in Woodinville along the railroad tracks. People walk their dogs and other dogs along that stretch on road (nearby pet…
Another Shout Out
Shout out to Canyon Hills Missions Go Team. What a fun send off for me and two other missions people heading to a different part of the world. I enjoyed the lunch and prayer time. I have spent five years under the leadership of Pastors Corey & Aaron. People rub off on each other. Think…
Houston – We Don’t Have a Problem
Eleven days to launch and it is looking good for this training at YWAM 50-Plus in Wiler, Switzerland. I’m excited to be welcomed so warmly by the training staff and to look forward to meeting students from Korea, Australia, others from USA, plus several other countries. Our final destination will be Amsterdam and I’ll keep…
Mosquitos and Freezing Temperatures
I thought they were fleabites but then my allergy to mosquitos took over. Have you ever begged God to help you? I have had a couple of prayers going up and am so grateful. Firstly, my VISA was approved on Friday and you can be sure my passport was on the way, same day. The…