So Prague was so new and different. Then I got used to some things and the people are the best. Now, a few days in Berlin and it is so new and different. I will get used to some things but long for familiar things. The one thing God did right is people are people…
Author: Pam
Two Sleeps in Berlin
It has been an interesting two days. I wanted to show you the commute to the library first. Pastor Larry gave good directions and accompanied me the first day. First a walk to a bus stop. Then a train. Then some more walking. Here are some views around the library in Berlin called Connections, ‘A…
Not quite a retraction but I had time today to visit a typical (looked like US) shopping mall. We leave for the mountains of Tabor this afternoon then I will be moving on to the Berlin library so will not be writing until I resettle. I had mentioned the unfriendly, stoic mom’s on the tram…
What Am I Doing?
At the library. Thanks for the photos, Laurie.
To and Fro
I’m starting with some pictures of my arriving at the flat. The reason I went on the haunt after a long library day is the lack of mail boxes. I found one a 13 minute walk away which took me to a restaurant called the Postal. I entered & asked about mailing postcards and the…
Hats and Coats and Scarves
Almost a perfect day at the library. Started with chores and then spent the afternoon greeting people and had one conversation with a young man from the Netherlands – more small things. A lot of international students come for their advanced education and they find libraries. As I looked out the window at the passersby,…
You Are Light
You can be light for someone. I observed two baptisms in church today and there was something additional. I liked that the two young ladies gave their personal testimonies, answered traditional questions, were prayed for when they came up out of the water, plus a reminder to be salt and light going forward. They were…
Looking Into Prague
In Prague. Today we made a prayer walk led by the leaders of Open Door Libraries, Jim and Laurie Barnes. We made ten stops and the photo at the bottom is the tenth, a statue of Nicholas Winton who, along with the help of others, transferred 669 children to Britain from Czech before the outbreak…
Small Things
In Prague. For many years I have compulsively torn out or printed delightful sounding recipes. About a decade ago I realized that I will not live the hundred additional years it might take to try them all. I often google the “best of…” and should soon thin my cookbook collection. I visited a cousin recently…
Echos of Mercy
In Prague. In church today, one of the hymns sung was an oldie and a goodie, Blessed Assurance. The lyrics were written in 1873 by blind writer Fanny Crosby to the music written by Phoebe Knapp. I won’t recount all of the words but this phrase goes, ‘Echos of mercy, whispers of love’. How often…