I know I’ve spelled this incorrectly but there is a reason. I was reading Revelation 21:1-6. I’ve been using a butterscotch-colored Bible, New American Standard Bible, with the inscription, Robert Verne Orahood. That makes it my Dad’s Bible only all of the notes written over many years are in my Mom’s handwriting – thus the misspelling. Here is the verse she noted, Rev 21:1, “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer any sea.” Nelda Elizabeth Boyd Orahood wrote “this is awsome”. I don’t know why this meant so much to her and means so much to me but I have found similar notes on scriptures that spoke to her. I have evidence of my Mom’s real faith. She studied and responded to God. She also, like me, wanted to be a writer. She wrote some unusual things about reincarnation but I know she understood the truth. She just wondered about a lot of things. Even with the medications she had an active mind. I also know the date she read and then wrote this. In a corner of the page she wrote, Pam’s 28th birthday. That means it was May 25, 1977. That year I was studying for my teaching credential at California State University at Fullerton, California. I was single and would become a high school biology teacher the following year. In 1978 I would also have my first travels in Europe. While I studied my Mom studied. We both love/loved the Lord. I am enjoying this Bible and can conclusively say that my Dad’s middle name (for his Father) was Verne not Vern! She also wrote the following in the margin, “A time of justice”, “Witness to sin or witness to faith in God”, then next to verse 4 she wrote, “A trying process”.
I loved my parents. They both had love and good works but one studied God’s word. I’m not going to worry about this.