A Lone Reed I wrote this from Frankfurt a few days ago. “When I’m tired I’m more easily offended. That is not the best admission or start for a gospel volunteer. Two airlines are functioning together so I got in line. The ticket said one thing but after 1.5 hours I was redirected. Thank goodness…
Category: Uncategorized
Old Self – New Self
Paul writes much about newness and I also remember the present time is like ‘seeing in a mirror dimly, but then I will know fully’ (I Cor 13:12). So we are to lay aside the old self (old manner of life), corrupted with lusts of deceit. We are renewed in the spirit of our mind…
Tomorrow I Go
Why am I going tomorrow? Glad you asked. I just re-read an article by Andrew Knight on the ‘Four Reasons Why We Leave’. I have many reasons but Knight’s are like mine and I’ll summarize. #1, “We leave because God saves us to send us”. Not every Sunday-goer is aware. We love being spared what…
What a Funeral
I experienced two things today. I don’t know how to measure thoughts but a quick google measures that, according to research,, the average person has approximately 60,000 thoughts each day. Here are two of mine. Carmen Goes is running for Congress. She has good ideas and her platform is consistent with conservative and Godly values….
Jesus Inferred
I think that Jesus is inferred, implied, present, and described, at some level of disclosure, in every book of the Bible. Jesus is the Word and He is the Word of God. The Gospel of John begins with, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God….
“Happy are the people who walk with integrity, who live according to the teachings of the Eternal.” – Psalm 119:1 The Voice. Something needs to happen once we believe. We are walking in integrity and living a different way. To know what to tweak we read the Bible – the teachings of the Eternal. There…
Oops – I Did It Again
I’ve done it again. Many days of good teaching/ideas/suggestions but no time to write. I’ll just touch on a couple… Our moods can go up and down. I know we were created by God but some have extra sensitivities. We refer to those, as children, as being moody or hyperactive while they are just being…
Potpourri means an assortment. It is an assortment of dried petals and spices but I’m looking for a way to give you some thoughts to take over and chew on. God’s Word is constantly inspiring. It is solid truth but seems to morph as we grow. (I don’t know if believers in Jesus can shrink…
Mission Improbable
Years ago I remember sounding out the Mission Impossible tune (theme music) on a piano. It is very distinctive. I have always enjoyed the action films of the James Bond genre. I don’t know why except the good guy is amazing and always wins. A hundred bullets can fly over Ethan or James head but…
Was Jesus Nice?
WAS JESUS NICE? 7/30/24 I’m angry. Daily I ask God for the mind of Christ. I want to treat fellow believers and non-believers as Jesus would. Was Jesus nice? What did a holy God, embodied in a physical form, do when confronted with evil? I’m not talking about being offended but let’s examine a couple…