I’m reading the very specific instructions that God gives to the construction and reconstruction of His temple. Beginning in Ezekiel Chapter 40, God gives a vision of a man with a measuring rod in his hand. Thus begins the measuring and counting of pillars, porches, guardrooms, courtyards, inner courts, and outer courts. I find Ezekiel’s book covers so much. The Bible begins with God building the world. I’ve mentioned this before, but my attraction to science in my education was much more about what God built and how He built it than about a career in science. I did not know that my curiosity was another gift from God to know Him better. God made a plan and worked His plan to create a world for us to live in until our final destination, Heaven. He began with light, then sky, dry land, seas, plants and trees, the sun, moon and stars, creatures that live in the sea and creatures that fly, animals that live on the land and finally humans, made in the image of God. He rested and made rest holy.
And that was just the beginning. Genesis through Revelation reveal as much of God’s plan as we need to know for now. He planned to train us on how difficult it is to remain holy. We failed (Adam and Eve) after just breathing the air God provided for a moment. We can hardly breathe without sinning or thinking of sinning. Failure is our middle name but God so loved the world, and the people in it, that He sent His only son. The event we celebrate at Christmas is a crescendo in God’s music. Then the music slows down to barely a blip on a monitor. Jesus death and resurrection was God’s plan to restore the intimacy left behind in the Garden of Eden. Today, we believers, and followers of Jesus, pray to God the Father in the name of Jesus. Holy Spirit indwells us and then all will be made right again as God has planned it. God’s plan also engages us in fellowship with the Triune God and with each others in the church. God is building His church to connect the world to the truth. When God has completed this part of His plan we will be the first to know. He built the world, us, sent Jesus, built the church, and we can expect whatever comes next to be even greater.
We are made in the image of God and we can build whatever we want during our lifetime. I think the scripture is fairly clear about the lives we should build and to be part of gathering others into His magnificent Kingdom. We start with blocks then legos then people.