I missed the Ladies Christmas Tea at church this morning. I won’t tell you why but, in the night, I’d googled what happens to your tummy when you take amoxicillin. Enough on that. I saw the photos of the elegant decor. A good friend, an author, posted photos of her Christmas table. I have not seen many more beautiful rooms. We see other’s vision of beauty and elegance. Then we have our reality. My decorations have been called eclectic by my family. I love old and cute. Stories make something special to me. I have a recollection of putting up some pretend garlands on my windows along with white sashes. I was proud. Soon after I visited a neighbor who had done exactly the same but only using real garland. Another lesson learned. I can identify beauty and elegance but it doesn’t quite happen for me. That is partly because I value the other parts of Christmas more. This is no criticism of you pros but you have gifts the rest of us don’t. Keep it up and I will cheer you on.
I’m thinking more of Heaven during this holy season. I don’t need to know all of the mysteries in the Bible and can already guess that there will be surprises beyond my imaginings. The Bible mentions feasts many times. Some feasts are the Day of Atonement, Passover, Feast of Tabernacles, Unleavened bread, Feast of Trumpets, First Fruits, Feast of Weeks, Pentecost, Purim, Rosh Hashanah, and Sukkot. My Jewish friends are in Hanukkah. My Indian friends finished Diwali. List the celebrations you know. I think it is easy to assume that God parties. God invented the food, foliage, light, people to love, purpose, joy, and delight. That is the word I have been looking for. This Christmas season is full of delight. It is a mere shadow of Heaven’s reality and delights. Look out Crate and Barrel.