Aging is shame-based. Why is that? It should be, and is, an honor to grow old and outlast the others. We hate cancer and hate funerals. I keep purchasing sympathy cards. Today I look as good as I ever will. I feel better than I ever will. I can still do things. I even climbed a ladder yesterday. Someday that will be a bad idea. In the upcoming tomorrows I will not be able to do what I can do today. I worry about that season. I already take a bit of criticism for things. That feeling will grow and I understand why. There is this feeling that we are losing control. Someday we will be as we once were – born and dependent. Will people understand that we diminish and then we go to heaven? The top thing on my bucket/prayer list is to not be a burden. I know that is prideful. So far, I am not tempted by botox and am holding up – for now…