I am convinced that this is a diary and not a blog this week but I do want to make some observations about Italian art. Today I saw Michelangelo’s David. I knew it would be the crowning moment of this tour. The first surprise is that it is magnificent but so tall. In a room you get perspective. He is seventeen feet and today I read that Barron Trump is 6’7″. That makes David about three times the height. The inspiration for the name is said to be from the Biblical story of the young shepherd who would be King David. David is an anomaly and only God knows why he was so close to the heart of God. I have done the usual amount of sinning but we compare sins. We shouldn’t but we do and David had an unfortunate list.
I learned, today, what people unfamiliar with booking in Florence learn. I arrived early to tour two nearby churches but forgot that churches usually close between about 1:30 – 4:00. Also, the no-ticket line went faster and I paid four euros more scheduling in advance. Tomorrow I will just show up and see how things go. Time to shop and wait in the rain. Trying not to eat too much pasta so no lunch for me today. It was worth it. I’ll attach a photo for perspective.
Because I have emotional opinions on art as do we all, the biggest disappointment was some modern art in a museo that will remain unnamed and the art was so bad that I sent photos to my ten-year-old grandson so he could know how talented he is. Modern art here is anything from 1900. This artist was so graphic on women that I felt dirty went I left. He boldly stated that, “…I have produced nearly 30 very large fired clay balls with large slashes and holes. I am very pleased. It is the void! The death of matter, it is the pure philosophy of life!” – Pam says nonsense. When men or women challenge God about matter and slash things, that is not art to me but I am a novice.
Today I had the extra time, while waiting to tour David, and it was raining, that I took in an ancient library. I know just enough Italian to know the word. It was amazing and more interesting than the balls mentioned above. It was three levels plus and with the sliding ladders (you see in films) and thousands of dusty books. I am still sneezing but love that in Florence you can enjoy books. Photo below.
Other miscellaneous. I have not had any regular access to tv so have been enjoying that brainless activity. In the US we have many compelling ads to support cancer research for children. Here every ad is for asthma. There must be environmental/pollution/household issues here that are not as common in the US – very concerning.
Back to art – I have always liked subtle art. Softer things appeal to me and Italian religious art is not very subtle. I see the incredible work and devotion. The red, blue and gold are repetitive. These devoted pieces make me love them because of the devotion to Jesus. The sculpted angels, the martyrs shown in Heaven with Jesus, the portrayal today of Christians having their teeth pulled out if they refused to denounce their faith, the old doors I keep photographing, the monastery frescos that show Eve in the garden with no face but the snake has the face of a woman, I can’t picture living in a monastery, the portraits where no one shows teeth, the later portraits where they half-smile and show women actually doing things versus being an object sitting in a chair, the embroidery work of the Pope’s amazing robes – why, the creepy eyes, the leather-work, the candles, the gold overlay, the crowned Marys, it is intoxicating.
You art experts please forgive the novice who could not be happier than I am now appreciating that Jesus was honored and continues to be honored.