As the world hunts for Christians we hunt for Jesus, His truth, people to share His truth with, and His will for each of us. I received a strange stare this week when I said that the world is hunting for Christians but what else can we call martyrs and those hiding in home churches and flying under the radar in so many dark places? Without going all apocalyptic, I am less comfortable in a free country than ever before. I don’t understand the appeal of “woke” and what do those views mean for us believers? I am unconvinced and challenged to study the Bible to handle the word of truth accurately. Don’t hone in your arguments but memorize scripture. Be glad if you are young because memorization is easier. Putting the word of God in our heads makes it easier to get set in our hearts.
What else can we do about hunting season? No one asserts or relies on works for salvation but a follower of Jesus will follow Jesus and change (or try to adjust) pre-Jesus behaviors. Otherwise we are exactly like the Scribes and Pharisees in Matt 15:1-9. Gal 5:24-25 references “Walking by the Spirit”. What does that look like? At best it might look different as we are transformed by the Holy Spirit by the renewing of our minds. I John 1:5-10, …they will know…and this addresses not sinning – even though our salvation is not dependent on it and our sins are forgiven. It is a promise and we can count on it.
I Cor 15:10 speaks more to work than works, “But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me did not prove vain; but I labored even more than all of them, yet not I, but the grace of God with me”. Today Philip DeCourcy told a story about a pastor driving by a beautiful farm. He waves down the farmer to comment on how God has blessed him with a beautiful farm. The farmer agrees then adds something along the lines of, “You should have seen it when it was all God’s”. In other words, this farmer worked and God blessed the work. Work is different for each of us a God has given gifts for His work, individualized. We are not sidelined because God is so competent for, “…His power, mightily works within me” – Col 1:29.
I John Chapter 2, …We will be known (different – stand out) by our love for one another. Matt 19:25…Be astonished! And there is so much more! If we are hiding in church it is time to walk our walk on the outside? I’m preaching to myself. Lastly, after the disciples came and asked Jesus why He spoke in parables, He answered in Matt 13:11, “To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been granted.” If the people you are sharing with do not get the importance of Jesus and don’t think they need salvation, I’m wondering if we need to argue? Keep hunting?