On January 9th I traveled with our team to East London. I have not written since January 6th. That is so wrong if you have been faithfully following this effort to “Know God and to make Him known”. All I can say is that serving is exhausting. I was inspired but could not seem to get the words out. There may be some truth to the fact that I am a mature person and wonderful people, needy people, trains, dirty streets, bug bites, covid, and more, have made me tired. I know this is temporary and I hope to refresh upon graduating on March 7th. I hope to sit down and catch you up on how wonderful our Father God is, that He is working in the world (even through tired people like me – and maybe some not-so-tired people like you) to bring us together into His everlasting Kingdom. Please accept my belated apology because I love to write! Hoping this finds you well and happy…