I did not invent God. I believe He invented me. I live near a Hindu Temple and when I walk by I pray Jesus. I have been past so many times that I can describe some of the idols and their placement on the exterior decor. I have many Hindu neighbors and friends. In discussion today, a friend who worships there daily also called the forms idols. She then said that God is truth (true) but I told her that I only worship the God represented on the temple exterior that looks like a god with a small child on his lap that reminds me of God the Father and His Son, Jesus. Because there are so many (33 types of deities) interpreted as 33 million gods and goddesses, they are all manifestations of one supreme being called Brahman, Hindu believers have too many choices. Buddhism is similar in that it is a collection of ideas and faith practices but without a god.
I believe that man invented Brahman and each, for reasons I can only guess, wanted their own god and there it goes. Too many choices and none are real. I promise you because the Bible tells me so. I had another conversation yesterday with a friend who believes the Bible is just a collection of stories. No, it is not. The Bible is one story: triune God, creation, we are made in the image of God, the fall, children of Abraham (rules), Jesus comes, the church is born and Holy Spirit comes, I believe in Jesus, and the second coming (when He gathers those who choose belief). That is the truth and the Bible tells it through historical accounts and inspiration. One God, one Truth, each one of us choosing. Whether you believe this or not, know that the freedom to choose what you believe is also a gift from the one true God, along with the life He gave you. Spend that life learning the truth. Last thing, and please don’t be mad, these idols are scary looking. Is that not a contradiction and deterrent? Helping prepare for worship.