I forgot a lot today. I’m typing from bed with a cold. I’m usually a one-cold-per year person so not happy. For people who do deal with illnesses regularly I sincerely apologize because each day has enough trouble and does not care that we don’t feel up to it. I took a bus after lunch to mail a parcel of things I will not need on the next leg of our outreach. I’m on the bus but the box is on my bed. So I took care of a few errands but not the most important one. Then I forgot to wear my warmest coat. It was fine until the rain started and turned into ice. I had a mile to walk and all of this weather is new to me and I forgot to be ready just in case. Popsicle comes to mind. I promise that God kept me upright because it was the slippery-ist walk of my life. Then I forgot the time and ended up at my last stop in time to grab the return bus but not in time to pick up the water I needed. Today’s visiting professor was an expert in aging. Because we are 50+ I thought he might spend some time on issues regarding forgetfulness but maybe he forgot. No, seriously, Dr Marc was very good. His two most important thoughts on end of life is to be reconciled to God and people and gratefulness. Good stuff. So there will be days like this. Things will be forgotten. I’ll mess up. God can still visit my day and give me purpose. Oh – I almost forgot – thanks for checking in!