Greetings 2023. Yesterday I was in 2022 so today I am back from the past. Reflection is about done so what better use of a day than a walk to a monastery. It was about four miles (6.4 km) which is about my limit and mostly uphill – argh. We walked through several villages. The sun was out and I needed the jacket later that I was wearing in the morning. First from Wiler to Allenwil then Frienisberg. Elevation climb was about 500 ft so not as hard as it felt. Because of the 12-days of Christmas tradition, the beautiful hand-stitched nativity was still on display. The monastery was founded in 1134 and sits on top of a sunny hill in the farming region. I’m hoping to attach a couple of photos from today. Monday is a holiday and churches were on holiday today. I have been watching Dr Steve Walker, my Pastor, on these days when there is not opportunity for corporate worship so will hope to end my day with that. When we had covid restrictions in Bothell, WA, I started enjoying church in my pajamas but very happy that the world is less distracted by a bug we cannot see just the terrible results of this pandemic. Will not be writing this week as we pack up and move on to outreach. Happy New You!