BLOG 6/7/23
I’m Not Special
I said that to a very dear friend after she surprised me with a most wonderful gift. I was so stunned that what I really thought came out of my mouth and I feel ashamed. It was a few days ago and I knew I needed to write about it to confess to God that I meant no disrespect to Him. He knitted me in my Mother’s womb and He made me in His image. How can I not be special?
I just listened to a famous Ted Talk with Brene Brown discussing vulnerability. It is a hard topic and interesting research. Basically she says that it takes courage to admit we are imperfect. Numbing vulnerability will also numb joy and happiness in our lives. It begins with compassion for me and others. We are wired for imperfection and struggle so embracing my ‘not so special members’ in me is healthy. We cannot control and predict life but it is time for us all to be honest and VULNERABLE. Thank you Brene.

I think I’ve distorted modesty and humility. There have been a few people in my recent past who have told me by their actions and words that I am not special, in fact, I’m brought low by what a person thinks and I’m not built up by what God says. He put some wonderful gifts into my nature. He helps me love people beyond my capability. He has taught me about work, service, and relationships. He has given me such a love for my children and grandchildren. He gave me my children and grandchildren. I like being tall. I love the life He has given to me. He has made me a connector and a communicator. I’m really not all that bad. My dear friend responded to me in that moment in the perfect way. She told me my value to her and then I cried. My response was natural and vulnerable. We do not often receive kind words and we need to offer them frequently to others. God has put the right people in our sphere and we are to be image bearers of the love He has for them too. I love you dear friend and will treasure this gift until my last day and will be praying for you on your journey until my last day. Thank you.