Even a broken clock has the correct time twice a day. That line was on tv this week and always makes me laugh. It applies to my walk this morning. I went a measly two miles but that is good for someone who is not as engaged with healthy habits as I want to be. I remembered some codes and thanked God for my good memory. I remember my junior college student number, my phone number when I had a landline decades ago, my current medical, but am tempted to use my zip code from a decade ago too often. I’m walking, feeling proud, thanking God, then it hit me. At the same moment I am happy to remember things at my escalating age, God is working out how to answer billions of prayers in one moment. Because God is all-powerful and sovereign, He multi-exponentially-tasks. Time does not confine Him. He has made us in Him image in a multitude of ways. Remembering everything is no challenge to God and I’m feeling proud? Yikes. We have been blessed in a million ways because God choses us. He is for me. He wants me to remember what I need to remember until He takes me home. Pride has no place in my heart when I remember Who He is. A short pencil is better than a long memory!