I love the truth that God is sovereign. Reign is a part of that word when dissected. I also know there are people who blame God for this broken world. “If He is sovereign, then why the big mess?” What happens between God’s will and our will? There is a tension between cause and effect. I am no theologian but here is what I think today.
Sovereign is a position. It is like a book on the corner of the table. It has potential energy at all times but the book is bumped off of the table to activate the energy. (From the internet), “In Christianity, God’s sovereignty is the idea that God has the right to rule over His creation, and how He exercises that power. the Bible describes God as sovereign, meaning that God is the ultimate source of power, authority, and everything that exists. God is outside of time, infinite, and has no beginning or end. God existed before anything else and holds all creation together.” I read several other resources that emphasize God’s power but not the reasoning for how he acts. Another source says that God does not ask permission from anyone. He has every right to everything. God does what pleases Him but it does not please Him that we suffer because of this broken world. If He directs everything, down to the last detail, why do we have sad days?
Ligon Duncan uses the following passages in discussing God’s sovereignty. King Ahab died in an ill-advised war against the Syrians recorded in I Kings 16-22 and II Chronicles 18. Elijah, the Prophet, tried to advise him in the beginning. The name Michaiah literally means “who is like Jehovah” and he was a blunt and outspoken Prophet who spoke from God to Ahab about his death in battle if he proceeded with a bad plan – one God advised against. When 400 other Prophets recommended success in battle, he boldly denounced the campaign and foretold doom. Michaiah was thrown into prison and a random arrow killed Ahab. God is sovereign and warned Ahab. Because he did not obey God, he died. Paul was shipwrecked on a journey and heard from our sovereign God. A violent wind ,called Euraquilo, rushed down from the land. The sailors were trying to escape from the ship in Acts 27:27-28:5. Paul reminded them that they should’ve taken his (inspired) advice. There were 276 persons that God said would not perish and they didn’t. Acts 27:23-24 says, “For this very night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood before me, saying, ‘Do not Abe afraid, Paul; you must stand before Caesar; and behold, God has granted you all those who are sailing with you’.” God kept moving forward.
In Acts 2 and 4 God again demonstrates His sovereign will. Because of His position He controls the book on the table – God’s plan of salvation. His sovereign will is summarized after Jesus ascends. The Prophet Joel is quoted in Acts 2:21, “And it shall be, that every one who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Nothing stands in the way of His plan from Genesis to Revelation and onto eternity. But then here we are again. God is sovereign and man’s responsibility is God’s Providence – the act of guiding and caring for His people. You and I choose. God invites and wishes that none should perish but people don’t realize that they are getting into two lines. One line is accepting salvation and the other is to not follow Jesus who died for our sins and offers redemption. God prefers you say yes but you can choose no. Holy Spirit tugs at our hearts about the line God is hoping we choose. The assertion is that we are guilty but we are not robots. The Jews conspired in their own hearts to kill Jesus but God’s plan was to accomplish His sovereign will and save us. Back to my original idea, does God step back? Yes, I believe He defers to us but He does maintain His position, right to rule, and always has the final word.
From Robert Murray M’Cheyne – 1837, “…When I stand before the throne, Dressed in beauty not my own;…”