It is interesting how just one sermon can change a life. Today’s sermon changed my year. I am always looking for more ways to grow in Christ. Pastor Mike, of International Church of Prague, preached on Psalm 110. By the end of the sermon a goal to consider is reading five psalms a day which would be the book in about 30 days (depending on chapter 119). Jesus quoted the psalms of the Old Testament and they are a guide to prayer. My previous decision was to do more than pray my hit list which consists of some of the following in random order: healings (especially my many friends dealing with cancer), about two big recent losses, salvations (you know who you are), my family members by name and need (as I understand it in the moment), my personal big ‘B’ list (ask me in person), missionary friends, and miscellaneous needs – others. These two go hand in hand. I also have some books on my shelf that I have planned to read. Several have the name Bonhoeffer. If I can do that, it will ease some sorrow I have felt over the Nazi’s/war/man’s inhumanity to others/ and the like. These three months have had some ups and downs but more ups than downs. There was also a song we sang today with this line, “All my failures I tried to hide” – relating to pride – the fall of the devil and more people than we know, within and without the church (fellowship of believers where we are to sharpen iron against iron and not lie to each other). I hope the failures in the last three months can teach me something and that my pride will not prevent me from sharing. Back to prayer, another song featured a verse about hearing the Saviors’ robe as He gathers with us as we pray (my interpretation). (Lot’s of parentheses today) “Where we hear praises and He hears faith” – Awake My Soul by Hillsong Worship. What a beautiful picture of worship which is very intimate if you are unfamiliar. “Sing His praise aloud” is the chorus. Someone named Keller referenced how reading the Psalms affected him: commit to God, depend on God, seek solace with God, receive mercy and grace from God, and the last one was on our new perspective. Jesus is our King and all creation and culture submit to Him. Last thing from the sermon today, Ps 102 introduces Christ, 89 speaks of our rejection of Christ, and today’s Psalm 110 affirms Jesus is King over all. Something the last three months has allowed me to do is sit and write. None of this is wasted on me if I am sharing. Some of the best things in Prague are: God is here and working, the good people I’ve met, the others I’ve seen, my short stint as story lady, a good flat-mate, no falls just a chop to a finger, one day with a very few snowflakes, funny trams, new missions friend heading to Bosnia, a language teacher possibly retiring here, scenery, lessons in history, beautiful children, other stuff I will recount another time – oh yes, a great church family here! Thank you dear people! And even better news – God intends to dwell with us again as it was in the beginning.