Feeling lost can be inconvenient but the sun was out. Cool crisp air filled my lungs as my car meandered through some of the sweetest neighborhoods abutting the University of Washington. I had taken a direct route from exercise to keep a tradition. My girls were missing but I sent photos and reminded them that they are my happy thought. For the last decade we have gone to the fancy University Village. The favorite shops there are Anthropology, Free People, books, children’s things, lots of coffee, and, normally, an Italian salad/pizza lunch. I knew the traffic would be awful but I did not care. I was looking for external Christmas cheer. The real cheer comes from knowing Jesus every day. The combined time of rolling into and out of the parking structure was about an hour. I found new friends at a Mr West coffee bar. I did make a couple of gift purchases and perused the florist and photographed the general splendor of sparkle. Jesus is the light of the world and all of this shiny stuff does not put me off nor dampen my mood. I was so happy that I left the GPS unengaged and left heading north-east. That should’ve taken me nearer Lake Washington, to wrap around Kenmore, but I’m not really sure where I was. Every street was covered in crunchy leaves of color. After noticing the time I decided to trek on home. I input the “go home” message and that silly satellite sent me on a wild goose chase. You see, when I was ready to be home I expected efficiency. Maybe the GPS was irritated at my casual cruise but it did take me home by streets that made no sense. It is still November and I will fly to see family soon. This little delicious, indulgent outing set the tone for pulling out celebratory boxes that will decorate my home and make it feel Christmasy. I am hoping the lights on my home will invite others to take note. A Savior has been born. He is King Jesus. We will celebrate His incarnation every day for the rest of our lives. Bring on the sparkle. Gather with those we love and invite others into our good-news message.