Photo looking away from the Alps. What is Manuka Honey? It means I am sipping tea – pukka brand – with lemon, ginger, & manuka honey to build up my immune system because my Australian friends said so. If I had reliable internet I would look it up. Yesterday I sent some emails and only half were delivered so I am going to do the best I can. Remote is good for this study time. I read through Ephesians this afternoon and did you know it only takes about 20 minutes? In the early church the letters of Paul were read as letters in their entirety. A quick read is good, not trying to read between the lines. We are privileged to hear from Don Price this week on the Father God. I had a wonderful cousin John Price and they are probably distant cousins. Don told me that his father’s name was John and his son as well. The world is shrinking for me. If I had decided to live out retirement in my precious Bothell home nearby my favorite coffee and friends, I would have missed these two weeks of eye-opening teaching, connection, and experience. Again, the purpose of my life is to abide in Jesus and the natural result will be serving others. Jesus was a Servant King. He was in the world. Yes, He visited the temple and taught there but His life was on the road. He did not have a church office but no offense intended if you have a church office as there are as many callings as there are people. Well, my friend is trying to clean the sofa I am sitting on so gotta go. Talk soon! Yes still no working phone yet. What I am missing is google maps so not to get lost on these many cow paths and german translator so I can at least try to greet people!