I remember that when I was a classroom teacher I would be so happy to meet my many new students but would, inevitably, catch a cold from some foreign germ. Just one cold and then I was set for the year! So guess what – second week in and a monster cold. I even missed an outing to Berne which I was so excited for. Had signed out for dinner so felt I shouldn’t go but did not feel hungry anyway. Laid down after lunch for three hours then in bed last night for 11! Anyway – hope I have not passed this on but at least did not miss any of yesterdays teaching sessions. So I wake up today to gifts. Tea and soup and more soup from my new friends. Last night even one of the leaders noticed I was not at dinner and offered to bring a plate. So thoughtful. Do not like feeling under the weather but if you have to catch a cold – do it here! Thank you to all! Isn’t this the prettiest box of tea you have ever seen?