I like the term focus. I’ve been reading about extremes and how our nervous systems can wire our personalities. For instance, introverts may have more sensitivity to sound stimuli. The shyness is a protective internal device. It is like fight or flight. There are a million examples but what is most important is that God gives us nervous systems and focus. We are so different from each other yet the same in heart issues. We love and want to be loved. We seek to understand and want to be understood. We love God but He is wise beyond our understanding so why would He listen to me? Struggle then struggle again. I’m excited as I prepare for a volunteer trip. The details fill my thoughts today because I have been away 37 days since May 4th. I know I am behind. Today, when the first funding for that trip came in, I rejoiced. Somehow we judge the worthiness of serving God by the opinion others have of the ministry. I believe God has prepared good works for me in this country abroad. I obsess about many things but one is thanking people. I’m at my desk rejoicing as I find my thank-you notes. A good plan is to wait a week then apply myself and write personal notes – there may be more by then. I can’t or I just won’t! Thank you written and the stamp is on the envelope (I also completed my ballot yesterday – read about the candidates and even emailed the craziest guy, running for governor, who’s platform is that we move to outer space – truly – that is his political position). Back to the note. I have loved supporting people on missions trips but can’t remember a thank you. Now you’re mad. You think I’m dissing people but my intent is to encourage us all to say thank you at every given opportunity. This is not your work it is God’s work in and through you. Be grateful for the opportunities and make the most by practicing appreciation for your people. I do not obsessively wash my hands but maybe I should because in May I got covid for the third time. The second time was while serving abroad and the medical system was challenging to say the least. I don’t know what is ahead. I can’t guess if I will have another chance to serve abroad but the planning and thanking are up to me and the love of our common ‘GO’ mission is up to us all. We should be obsessed. Pray if you will and give if you can. I hope I can support you in your focused calling. Thank you!