Monday will begin the first outreach from Wiler (Vee-lar) in Switzerland. This is a bi-lingual city of German & French speaking people. Many of the 104 people groups are out of West Africa. One of three in the city are immigrants and one of four are on government relief. These are some of the poorest in, what the world considers, one of the wealthiest countries in the world. It is about practicing the Golden rule of treating others the way you want to be treated. If you are fallen on hard times it can be temporary as in the case of someone who does not speak the language. I am not a German-speaker but in Switzerland, English language study is usual. When I speak to someone on the street who is mature I may not get cooperation in the exchange because not being able to communicate makes me feel stupid but I am not. The Swiss are a friendly helpful people but I can identify with these 104 people groups who have a great disadvantage in language. There are three programs involving service in an after-school care program, a young mother’s group, some food bank or cooking program, tutoring, a Santa event, a choir event (us), and any of the things that help others. I may have photos next week. Making a difference is being a good neighbor. Working hard with a smile will make a difference. Connecting with someone by providing some help and encouragement invites relationship. That is what Jesus did. He left the synagogue and began his ministry at the home of Peter’s mother-in-law. He healed. He went lot’s of places but always seemed to land in someone’s home like Matthew the tax-collector, a notorious bad guy. They had a party/dinner there and the religious rulers thought hanging with bad guys pollutes people but it is just the opposite. People change when you treat them the way you want to be treated. Then he would be on a boat calming the water. He taught and discipled some very ordinary people but never called a meeting nor invited people to show up in an amphitheater to hear his vision for a new order of love and grace. He did not own a home but he sure visited many. He traveled and mentored for three years and then they killed Him. It was/is indisputable that He was always doing good but He did it in a new way…forgiveness without sacrifice. Radical. I cannot do big stuff like change the world but I can change a day for one person. So can you.