I save, rinse, and re-use unspoiled ziplock bags. I’ve mentioned before that I was raised by good people of the generation from the depression. The “poor” principles were inconsistent but applied. So when I read that it took 10,000 hours, or some other crazy number, to make a dress for a star to walk the red carpet it seems extreme. I have not watched the Oscars for years because I don’t have all of the bells and whistles on my cable tv. A competing show was an event by Voice of the Martyrs. I chose to watch both. The contrast was even more offensive. I love talent and enjoy the Hollywood glamour because I do not often go to the movies. I had a friend (using that term loosely) who loved going to the theater and challenged me that I was remiss in not insisting he see more movies. I don’t get it but I do enjoy the film clips and overpriced/valued dresses. Last night the worst was a green lizard/dinosaur inspired piece with too much chest showing. I immediately thought of the emperors new clothes – that we will believe anything if it speaks to our vanity. There was also a red carpet host who was a man dressed as a woman. I’m not mad, but, if every cell in your body maps male – a dress won’t change God’s intention for your life. You are missing the mark. Then one designer commented that the theme of shells on so many dresses is “everything”. No – nothing you wear is everything. I love dress-up and good clothes but, “They don’t work or make clothes for themselves. But I tell you that even Solomon with his riches was not dressed as beautifully as one of these flowers. God clothes the grass in the field, which is alive today but tomorrow is thrown into the fire.” – Matt 6:28-33. There is nothing new under the sun in regard to beauty. We tweak but God is always the true inspiration. There were many mermaid-inspired pastel dresses but they are not ‘everything’. I also took offense to a remark by one actor when asked what he would like people to know and his answer was “Black life is human life.” I’m sorry if you feel inferior or have been treated badly but that truth is as old as dirt. You are standing in front of a camera in a tuxedo and are at the top of this game. You, sir, are a misguided broken record. Final complaint. One actress opened her acceptance speech with, “God is Good – God is Good”. All summary re-casts have filtered her remarks. That is pure evil at work in the television editing booth. Isaiah 30:21, – “And your ears will hear a word behind you, ‘This is the way, walk in it,’ wherever you turn to the right or to the left”. The women with sketchy dresses were told by someone that they looked great – whether they did or not. It is the emperors new clothes, AGAIN. Being authentic and original and special was interpreted in many ways but it matters who you trust. If someone you preferred to win an award did not it means that your opinion was in the minority and no one ‘stole’ anything from anyone. Being a sore loser seems more acceptable than it should be. Someday we will lose our lives to save them or we will save our lives and lose them. I appreciate the reality of a Sally Field walking like a woman her age and I hope the young’s took note. The darlings on the exterior need beauty on the inside too. The Voice of the Martyrs program was all about others and not about glorifying self. I’m certain the presenters also gave some thought to their appearances but not 10,000 hours. God was glorified and valued. This was life and death and nothing frivolous like sea shells. I’m glad I watched both because I am more solid in what is real and it will outlast that which is not. Hollywood, thank you for being good actors. I would pat you on the top of your heads if I wanted to.