In Psalm 115 David writes detailing the impotence of idols. It begins with the fact that our God does whatever He pleases. Idols have mouths but cannot speak, eyes but cannot see, ears but cannot hear, noses but cannot smell, hands but cannot feel, feet but cannot walk, and cannot make a sound with their throats. I know that in the original language this is very poetic, but don’t you think that our God should carry us? An idol cannot. Isaiah 46:1-2 is another reminder that Bel and Nebo are stooped over and cannot rescue anyone. Think of the songs we sing in worship about our strong God. In church today those songs gave me strength knowing that, as a follower of Jesus, I can count on God seeing me and carrying me when needed. That truth is knowable and definable and defendable. Of course the distracting idols in our present time are not necessarily carved or molded but they still persist in so many nations. It’s droll that the reason we go to those nations, spurred on by the prayers of the church, is that the original Ten Commandments proved that idols are a problem. I live near a Hindu temple and those painted blue and gold faces just hang on a building. Do those people believe out of fear or hope? If your god cannot carry you then you need one who will.