My microwave was groaning. I used it anyway. Then it was moaning and I used it anyway. Then I would leave the room for ‘just in case’. I would forget it wasn’t working. I finally googled microwave groaning. Every search would list seven things that can be wrong with your microwave. No one mentioned moaning…
To Lament
There is passion to lament beyond grief and sorrow. The book of Lamentations follows the book of Jeremiah in the Old Testament. The first verse begins with, “How lonely sits the city that was full of people! How like a widow is she, Who was great among the nations! The princess among the provinces has…
Doubting Our Doubts
Both Peter and Judas denied Christ. One came back. I don’t know what Judas thought he could accomplish by turning Jesus over or if he knew the extent of his betrayal until it was too late. Peter doubted his safety. He no longer expected Jesus could save him. He denied Christ three times. When Jesus…
In junior high my dad started coming to church. It was for a season but so fun. We were like a whole family worshipping together. I knew it was right and good that that was all I would accept for my future family. As a family, we rarely ate in restaurants. Fast food was also…
What To Wear?
After reading the end of Genesis I thought I had the perfect solution. When Joseph is finally redeemed from the dungeon, Pharaoh recognizes that God is with Joseph. He had interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams and saved the kingdom of Egypt! When Pharaoh advances Joseph to number two in the kingdom he puts a ring on his…
The Pope
So the Pope is having conversations. He recently met with the Global Network of Rainbow Catholics. Firstly – the church is the bride of Christ. No one changes the church from the inside. We are not holy enough to correct what God has planned. All are welcomed in the church but lifestyle opposed to the…
Door Number One?
To summarize history, we can choose to live one of two ways. There is a door number one – believe in God. Door number two is deny God. Again, I stress, there is no door 9.5 or 12.5, as in the Harry Potter movies. We do not design the options but only place our bet….
Oh No Joe
As I read the account of Joseph’s childhood in Genesis I wanted to warn him. If your dream is going to cause angst from your brothers, why tell them? I’m all about keeping the peace. Why stir up resentment? The guy was the youngest. We read that he was attractive enough that a woman faked…
No Super Powers
I am very grateful that I have no super powers. I have many gifts but no super powers. Today’s example was a drive on a “back” road linking my home to my favorite bakery. So much for a fresh start with my sweets habit. It is all residential and a mad/crazy driver was traveling twice…
Dog in a Basket – Baby in a Womb
I just caught up on some news and social media. Social media does not take much time out of my day but what started as a way to check in on my kids has grown to keeping up with past and new friends. I’ve learned a lot and expect most of it is true! Today…