So I tried this greeting at breakfast today with kind reactions. I did not have the correct pronunciation but it means, “Nice to see you again”. I noticed again what I noticed at yesterdays worship time (singing), that the German-speaking members come alive when a song is in their native tongue. Familiarity connects us to…
Big Things and Small Things
I think I will begin with some small things – the washing machines. It is expensive to run a dryer in some parts of the world and so we hang our clothes in the basement on clothes lines with two de-humidifiers running. I usually wait two days because only one day and I’m not sure…
Two Days in the Life
I thought you might enjoy hearing about my schedule. It varies in the study season but yesterday was very long and then today ended with me cooking chili con carne for 24 with the guidance of a very wonderful leader. So Friday began with an hour of corporate prayer after breakfast, which we do on…
Do I Want to be a Missionary?
God is infinite – I am finite. He knows everything. He knows all but does not cause all. God did not create rebellion but Satan’s discontent based on pride did. The Heaven’s declare the glory of God. He is sovereign which, to me, means that He has the last word on everything. He is a…
Manuka Honey
Photo looking away from the Alps. What is Manuka Honey? It means I am sipping tea – pukka brand – with lemon, ginger, & manuka honey to build up my immune system because my Australian friends said so. If I had reliable internet I would look it up. Yesterday I sent some emails and only…
New Friends
I remember that when I was a classroom teacher I would be so happy to meet my many new students but would, inevitably, catch a cold from some foreign germ. Just one cold and then I was set for the year! So guess what – second week in and a monster cold. I even missed…
The Stable, Crocs, and the Holy Spirit
I would like to the answer the question here, Who Controls the Holy Spirit but first – the Stable. It is called a worship hall for worship and prayer gatherings but was once a barn/stable. There are floors now where there were none and that’s how I feel about intercessary prayer. There is a wonderful…
I’m Taller on Sunday
I’m already a bit tall but when I enter worship I straighten up and put my shoulders back and want to reach toward Heaven. I have noticed how being together restarts and corrects my week with hope. It has been a week and today I had the pleasure of visiting a sister church to a…
I’m getting to know people from eleven different countries who are here to study missions. The questions we answered to outline our introduction are the following: A little about where you grew up and what your family was like. How you became a Christian? One big highlight of your life? (of course, mine was Nate…
So I have been typing Wiler, Switzerland but ‘W’ is pronounces ‘V’. I hope the spelling above helps my American friends! First day of October and angels showed up on the train yesterday to help me find my way. It is currently 3 PM Swiss time and my body is telling me to go take…