There are people who are blessed by their name. Pamela means honey and I continue to work on being sweeter. I met a student at YWAM named Joy and her smile was infectious. What a beautiful person. I have been making frequent trips to the post office lately and am a sucker for the cards/stationary they sell while we wait in the shorter lines (vs the holiday lines that went for miles). A card said, scatter joy and next to it one said, glitter is always an option. What a lovely thought. I love glitter but most people cannot endure the messiness that comes with it. I am downsizing my craft-stuff and parted with some of that sparkly stuff. I’m trying to say that, hovering above the mundane of today, there may be opportunities to scatter joy. How did you do that today? I met a new friend, Ann, at a walking track today. I am long so can walk fast. Ann needed a walker. We paired up and had fun getting acquainted. I learned about her life. She scattered joy and I had to slow down to get some of the glitter. I met Hala later. She checked my purchase at a shop and, as an international, told me about the meaning of her name. I could have missed it had I not engaged her. Other people have blessed me today. We keep sprinkling the glitter and sharing the joy. God sees us and we see others. He knows our ways and our wants. He predestined us according to His foreknowledge of us. He also knows our weaknesses. God knows where we are at all times. This is simple and easy.