Thank you for following me as I work at following Jesus. It is only a table and now belongs to the son of one of my dearest friends. I’m “simplifying”. I need increased mobility in this next season of service in other places. It is one more reminder that we can’t take it with us. I’m happy and fine and then a memory pops into my mind. It was a Mother’s day with an outdoor brunch. The weather was perfect and so were the huevos rancheros. That special feeling on that special day does not disappear because the table is gone but the thought of being a mom and being loved for being a mom is heavenly. Next – too many shoes. Goal – get rid of anything with a heel that could put mature ankles at risk. If you are laughing at me now it is because you know me and know that I like my stuff. I do know that this is worth it. Lord please help me to see people and value people in the way you do. Guide me in this letting go of things.