It stopped raining. Win for Pam, loss for Seattle. I was finally able to assess the damage of the heavy January rains. My yard is small but still there was toppled art and water-filled pots. I also puzzled over what to trim back as so many leaves looked like a candidate for a compost bin. Because I grew up in a more southern climate, I would be guessing so left the shears in the garage. Then the walk. Hallelujah! Not easy but good for me and contemplative. I noticed a swoosh sound as I headed up a hill. These homes are newer with lots of young families. At first I thought the sound was the guy across the street on his phone. But, no, as he passed the swoosh returned. Today I am grateful for grating engineers. The sound was like a river at a very fast pace. The grids in the road are frequent so the swoosh repeated often until I arrived at the top of the hill. No need for grating on the level. Had those strategies been overlooked, my wee home at the bottom of this hill would presently be flooded. I had not considered that. Although this builder went bankrupt (according to rumors) eight years before, I am comforted to know that there were good engineers in place. How often do we miss what God is doing on our behalf? He has been building underground plans for our welfare. He builds. He works more quietly than I do. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve embarrassed myself by mentioning my December advent food project. I’d like to think it was to encourage others to give to food banks but I also know that I want them to think I’m quite wonderful. Will I ever be as modest as others? But God – quiet and faithful to continue preparing me for tomorrow. What underground water could have wrecked all of the above? I didn’t know and we won’t know the entire provision from God on our behalf until we meet Him face to face. God keeps working and we keep conforming to His will. Good plan. So after the swoosh what was the swish? I need others. I saw her running towards me. A dear neighbor who is for me and can still run (oh- to be young again) although I was not a runner even then. Her ponytail swished as she went. We exchanged greetings and it felt good to connect. Connect today to God’s planning and provision and protection. Connect today with our fellow sojourners because “We cannot climb up a rope that is attached only to our own belt.” – William Ernest Hocking. Happy New Things!