I recently had oral surgery. Three times a day I take pills and rinse with two solutions. I want the pain to subside and I want recovery so I can eat again. I am eating – but squishy things – argh. I made a schedule and listed every step. In a couple of weeks I want to demonstrate to the surgeon that I can follow directions. This morning Pastor Koby at CHCC preached on anxiety (I wonder if he is ever anxious about preaching). He listed the steps from Philippians 4:6-9. Paul calls out a formula. I was immediately in my doctor mode and took notes because I often fail in this area. I compared healing from surgery to healing from worry. Things to do: Avoid anxiety by praying about everything with gratitude. We are already so blessed. Focus on the truth because F.E.A.R. is ‘false evidence appearing real’. We are promised that God draws near when we draw near to Him. These are my observations from the passage but in summary, Pastor Kobe went directly to the doctor analogy! We were on the same page for application. Thank you for reminding me that what I am doing daily on the exterior applies to my spirit. I’m taking the pills and not going to worry about the healing.