In three days I leave for Wiler, Switzerland for YWAM 50 Plus. The suitcase is pretty full but I am still eyeing some books I’ve been wanting to read. One that is thick will probably be left behind. Hans Kung wrote “The Church”. I have yellow markings up to page 114 and have turned down the corners of several other pages. I did go to Bible College for a time then Fuller after university and would prefer people think I know the Bible rather than not, but, deep study books like this are hard. I think I just love the simple truth that God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son. So should I pack this partially read book? I opened to page 374 and read the following, “Every renewal of the Church essentially consists in the increase of fidelity to her own calling.” I want you to read the rest of the paragraph but it is very long on why I believe post-Christian Europe is a mission field. We are deficient in reaching the world. We think getting our sorry selves to church on Sunday is being a faithful believer. It is true, in part, but Jesus told people who He was and those people told other people and so on and on. I am done being mostly a recipient of the wonderful news of Jesus Christ. Kung was born in Switzerland. As a theologian he questioned papal infallibility and was censored by the Vatican in 1979. He continued to teach at secular universities and passed last year. I’m packing the book…