I have several older hymn books that I enjoy playing from on my piano. This hymn, The Old-Time Religion, has five stanzas and, in my opinion, gives a great summary of faith. The response is always, “And it’s good enough for me”. This is what the writer says (‘It’ being the Old-Time Religion), It was good for our mothers, It has saved our fathers, Makes me love ev-‘ry – body, It will do when I am dying, and It will take us all to heaven. Bom! What more can we hope for in this life? Can a job promotion, or a clear road ahead, or that favor or date or cure provide any of the above? I think ‘old-time’ suggests dusty things in an attic but our powerful God is still the headline of the universe and He took dust and created us. He is over time and over you and me no matter what we believe.
I found a newspaper clipping in a family Bible, undated from Ottawa, Canada. It is titled, Bible Cake.
4.5 cups of First Kings 4:22 – flour
1 cup of Judges 5:25 – water or milk

2 cups of Jeremiah 6:20 – sugar
2 cups of First Samuel 30:12 – raisins
2 cups of Nahum 3:12 – figs
2 cups of Numbers 17:8 – almonds
2 teaspoons of First Samuel 14:25 – honey
I pinch of Leviticus 2:13 – salt, plus
2 teaspoons of baking powder
Excuse me, we are having a reprieve from Seattle summer heat and I’m going to bake a cake!