I am reading a psalm each day. To organize me, I’m reading the number of the date for January, will press on, then repeat midyear. There are a group of nuns (but informally) that I met in Switzerland and their emphasis on reading the psalms was slowly with meditation. Verses 3 and 4 read, “You can be sure of this: The Lord set apart the godly for himself. The Lord will answer when I call to Him. Don’t sin by letting anger control you. Think about it overnight and remain silent”. The emphasis here is, “The Lord, the Lord”. It is always about Him and not me but then direction follows. I need to know what to do some days. Here it is – if I let anger take control today, I will sin. Instead, sleep and hold my tongue. Today I will sleep and not complain. That can make for a successful day, not to say I am not doing other things too. Psalm 139 (skipping ahead), in verse 3, “You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything I do”. I am in a season of rest because I might have planned too much travel. My travel has been with purpose. I believe God planned time in Prague with purpose and now resting has purpose. The example in Psalm 139:1-12, is that God sees me when I rise and when I sit. When I got out of bed today I rushed to get coffee and a newspaper (it’s Sunday) because my grandchildren like drawing the comics. Did I mention that there were no cake donuts at Safeway? I returned home and sat down. I read Psalms and the newspaper, then traversed my list of prayer concerns to remind God that some friends have cancer and many other changes I would wish for. Now I’m up again, laundry, tidy, and clean sheets for the sleep I need. I ate an apple. I walked to the piano and sat down again to make joyful sounds. I’m not quite done with the Christmas music – so many happy memories. I’ve sat down again to send emails then to write this. Later I will purposefully get up and go to church. My ups and downs each day can have purpose. God is paying attention and doesn’t want me to be stuck in my sitting or purposeless in my risings. Yes, God knows everything about each day. Sitting in Berlin with library people.