In reading the Gospel of Luke for December, I found a remarkable passage about the temptation of Jesus. Because I have spent the last few months following others more familiar with Prague, I realize a person needs someone who knows the way. Firstly, I don’t believe that Jesus invited the devil to join Him on the trek. After Jesus’ baptism He was LED by Holy Spirit to the wilderness. I’ve seen this scene portrayed in film and picture a desolate, sandy, unpopulated place. Luke 4:2 describes that Jesus was tempted for 40 days – the entire 40 days. The devil does not just show up at the end and ask his three hard questions. All of the dialogue is the devil assuming power that never was and will never be his. Beware of people entering your life assuming authority. Verse 6 is interesting, “And the devil said to Him, ‘All this authority I will give You, and their GLORY; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. Therefore, if you will worship before me, all will be Yours'”. Remember that the devil is a liar. Both authority and glory belonged to Jesus before, during, and after this meeting. What is the devil talking about? One idea is that all sinners are under the influence of the devil but influence is not authority (liar). Those who succeed in the world are sometimes following their own pleasures which, again, falls into the category of the devil’s influence. Those who believe in the saving grace of Jesus our Lord are in the Jesus camp. Failure is still an option but not a residence. Jesus answered all questions by quoting truth from the Bible. The devil targeted hunger/food, vanity/power, and sign and wonders – shortcuts to proving Jesus’ authority. Verse 13 reads, “Now when the devil had ended EVERY temptation, he departed from Him (Jesus) until an opportune time. Jesus remained in power and authority and returned in the Spirit to Galilee. I’m bothered by what ‘an opportune time’ means. Luke records this event that only Jesus attended which means Jesus revealed the dialogue. Jesus showed Luke that even He was tempted by the devil and that Luke should expect the same. Careful who you follow. Jesus would not follow the devil but you know that the devil was stalking Him up until the resurrection where the devil learned he was finished. Hallelujah. Photos of Annapolis, Maryland, visiting cousins enroute to home!

Writing from this desk