I read a post from Marshall Segal that was published in my church newsletter. It contains quotes from C.S. Lewis (still my fav). I won’t plagiarize this wise piece but would remind you that nothing is new under the sun. I study, read other’s work, I chew on thoughts, listen to pastors and teachers and write what connects my heart to the reality of God’s truth. I’m no theologian. What I did like is how straight-forward this one idea is. It is in your face. Are you ready? As we look around any room or any public place, the people we are observing or mingling with will someday be one of two things. Again – no third option. We will someday be either everlasting splendors or immortal horrors. There is something missing in me that I can sacrifice a life to avoid an awkward moment of truth. There is something about this that destroys all excuses. Do you think this matters? This is on a spiritual plane and is not where we live. This is the future and a daily choice. This will be a nightmare if we are not His hands and feet and open our mouths. This lends an urgency to our daily lives. God, can I become redoubtable – powerful to some and terrible to others? Make me stronger. God, help me do this one thing.