Would you rather people refer to you as nice or as kind? I’ve been thinking about this today because my church is studying the Book of Galatians and Pastor Steve is currently teaching on the fruits of the spirit. If you start in Chapter 5, read verses 16-26 then meet me back here. OK –…
Author: Pam
Regrets and Hopes
Pam’s Got a Point October 24, 2020 2 Corinthians 11:30 If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness. So Paul was taken to the third Heaven, Paradise, and will not take credit for the amazingness of this blessing. It sounds remarkable. Considering all of the havoc Paul exerted against…
Playing Catch Up
Why is maturity elusive? That is because maturity means acting our age. Our age keeps changing so maturity is changing. We are mature when we are present today and hold a realistic view of our situation. Mature people are not perfect and they know it. Trauma can freeze a frame in time and we are…
Oh Joy
I have had a lot of joy in my life. Whether I rejoiced or not is another matter. The oxymoron of James is the purpose of the trials. The worst trial for me is betrayal because I value loyalty. There are challenges in this life to the ninth power! The purpose of the trials in…
Fishing for Offenses
Gone fishing lately? I am always fishing. It comes naturally to go to the negative. A sideways glance and I feel betrayed by my friend. that driver snarled at me … I think. What did my husband mean by that? Am I certain the kids liked their Christmas gifts? Why did they not return my…