I think that Jesus is inferred, implied, present, and described, at some level of disclosure, in every book of the Bible. Jesus is the Word and He is the Word of God. The Gospel of John begins with, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him; and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being”. John the Baptist came as a witness to the uncreated Jesus who was from the beginning and His effulgence and essence are in Genesis, with the creation, through Revelation, the end of the world. The Bible tells us the story of mankind, created in the image of God. Jesus Christ is the main character and hero of the Bible and all 66 books point to Him. How often have you thought about that while reading Habakkuk? Pastor Grayson, at CHCC, preached from Habakkuk 3:17-19, yesterday on August 18, 2024. Go online as it is worth a listen. This passage reminds us of Jesus and His purpose in God’s redemptive plan. It is all about the work of Jesus. He is inferred, implied, present, and described without the mention of His name. Anytime scripture tells what God is doing, His method – Jesus – is also told. Graydon’s summary in my words: joy can be found in all circumstances because God is sovereign, God has rescued us (salvation through belief in Jesus), our strength comes from a powerful God, we can find stability because God is faithful, and anything righteous in us is because God is good. Seek and you will find Jesus exuding His magnificent light everywhere in God’s disclosure of all we need to know. Thank you, Pastor, for reminding me of Habakkuk and Jesus.