I apologize. I had promised to write often so you can pray and be apart of this journey. The last time I wrote was 11/11. I’ve missed the US election and am about to celebrate Thanksgiving in a country that does not celebrate. That is an upcoming meeting so please read until the end. Some of my recent meetings have been with an industrial dishwasher. It is amazing with a two-minute cycle at such high temperatures that, with two minutes to dry dishes before the next cycle ends, it keeps us moving. Feeding people is always a joy. Clean up – not so much. Another “machine” that we usually do not discuss is the commode. It does not have a handle but a lever. You can press it for as long as you need. I think it saves water. Other meetings have been with wonderful teachers on Missions and Identity in Christ. Who are we and who are we meant to be? I had so many ideas of what to write to you last week but too many meetings. If God tells you to convey something and you don’t, in my experience, the inspiration goes away. Gone…which is why I urge you people who love/want to write to not wait on a single inspiration. I’m looking at my notes and hope on my next report to have something of value for you. I can hardly squeeze in a meeting for my residency permit. That office is in the next town which is walkable but either open in the morning or the afternoon. It is a challenge to squeeze in but required to finally put a good plan on my cell phone. I have to present this permit! We had a “meeting” with a Christmas faire at a retired monastery (thank you Phil and Barbara). Do you know that a very lean Santa Person gives the children peanuts? Not a candy cane in sight. I’ll try to attach some photos. I had a meeting with a piano this morning (if you know me you know I took lessons but am not proficient). I ran out of time so will put that practice into play another time. From today’s teaching, let me leave you with this thought from Dr. Dieter (paraphrase), “Pray for your enemies, greet your neighbors, and have more meetings with ‘neighbors’ than you have at church”. So Thanksgiving…, my Texan friend, Mary Alice (the only other American here) and I are planning a lunch in Lyss on Thursday at – wait for this – McDonalds! It was the most American thing we thought we could do. I love that you will be “meeting” with your friends and loved ones to thank God for His many blessings and also for getting us through the other stuff. Thank you for letting me know about your other stuff so that I can pray for you. E-mail is pam@pamschmoll.com. Prayer here is for our outreach beginning on Monday in the city of Biel. Also, protection from the many illnesses some here are challenged by (tummy & colds). I sure do miss my family! Happy Thanksgiving! p.s. Snow in the foothills!