Years ago I remember sounding out the Mission Impossible tune (theme music) on a piano. It is very distinctive. I have always enjoyed the action films of the James Bond genre. I don’t know why except the good guy is amazing and always wins. A hundred bullets can fly over Ethan or James head but he keeps on going. It is so improbable that, when the actual bad-guy drops, people cheer without seeing the sight of blood. The grouser films are unsuitable for someone who occasionally sleeps with a nite-light. Though improbable, these films take you to beautiful places. An ad for Mission Impossible – Dead Reckoning – Part 1, has popped up for weeks as an Amazon Prime freebee. I didn’t want to watch it. Ethan is older and the films beginning is always better than the end because some beautiful girl always dies. I’m over the formula but started it on a project-night then fell to sleep mid-viewing. Boring and a lady did die (I googled the spoiler alert ending). As improbable as this super hero is – it is another movie that tells us about our powerful hero. Instead of staying alive, Jesus died for his enemies. He could’ve dodged all of the bullets, leaped over tall buildings, and karate-chopped the worst humans ever but chose to become the sin that rots the worst humans. It is mission possible because He, alone, defeated death and returned to announce the Kingdom of God and our place in it (rather than some obtuse world order Ethan has prevailed against). The names of Jesus are as follows: Alpha and Omega, Son of Man, Christ, Son of God, Almighty, Consolation of Israel, Lamb of God, Lord, Amen, Bread of Life, Immanuel, Messiah, Advocate, Light of the World, Teacher, Author and finisher of our faith, Good Shepherd, King of the Jews, Author of eternal salvation, Beginning, Beloved Son, and Branch. If you are a-gaff at this comparison I apologize. It is just good to know that we all need to be saved and there is a real live hero for us. His plan is not to save us from a world domination scheme but to put things aright. We can get back to God’s intended protection and love. We can feel so safe that we may not need a nite-light ever again. The other film gets no stars but maybe if it were about redeeming instead of reckoning? Choose the right hero who wants us to cooperate with His operation in your life. Va-room va-room.