With every film rendition of what the original Passover scene looked like, I look away. It is usually a dark misty thing and then you hear the crying and then, recently, I saw a film that had ghosts walking around Egypt. If it’s not in the Bible don’t put it in your film! That one…
Does 2 x 2 Include You?
As Jesus sent out His disciples, 2 X 2, not everyone was sent. We know there were more than 12 disciples based on the crowds described in the four gospel books. On that day Jesus selected 12 and equipped 12. Luke 9:1-2 reads, “And He called the twelve together, and gave them power and authority…
About Freedom?
This may sound like a political post but it has to do with freedom, including religious freedom. That is a commodity that is scarce in too many places. North Korea is the worst expression of the removal of religious freedom. I think the US is becoming a challenge by conforming to the world more than…
Baby Baby Baby
We are all born without sin until we sin. Yes – our freedom of choice predisposes us to make God-opposing choices. I’ve never looked at a precious baby to not think he/she perfect – for now. So what is this sin-curse. Do we have choices? Did the devil make me do it? Genesis Chapter three…
The Threat
It arrived on January one. Some one wanted me dead and went into a detailed description on how to accomplish it. I knew the perp because he text the threat. I called the police. I filed papers and faced a trial date to resume the no-contact order. Happy New Year to me! I’m mentioning this…
Arrive Early?
This afternoon I was thinking about my Mama. She was very sweet and taught me about Jesus. She was very creative and after a shower I put on a robe she had made. I have more memorabilia than most. When I was with my Dad as he passed into eternity (43 days after my Mom)…
Recompense is not a word we frequently use. The concept is everywhere in the Bible with these synonyms: amends, compensation, indemnification, indemnity, quittance, redress, reprisal, and restitution. Luke 14:14 is giving a lesson for hosts with, “and you will be blessed, since they do not have the means to repay you; for you will be…
Mad Skills
There was more going on in the womb than knitting us together. What we look like is the seen. The unseen outlasts all of that. As God prepared good works for each of us, He downloaded the skills we would need should we choose to follow Him and help build His church. I call them…
All of the Parts
Depressed people are more likely to develop heart disease. The scriptures mention the heart. Mark 12:30: “And you shall love the Lord your God from your whole heart.” Matt 12:34-35: “A good man out of the treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart…
Please Write
Bad ideas must be refuted! When you have good ideas write them down. Refute the false narratives you encounter. Put pen to paper. That is all I am doing here. You may do it better! Is wokeness in the dictionary? I have no idea but on-line it is described as the quality of being alert…